Fortunately, in the late1990s, Martin Fowler's book Refactoring ( see Resources) helped make the practice of improving existing code without changing external behavior well cool. 幸好,在20世纪90年代末,MartinFowler编写了Refactoring一书(参见参考资料),它使得在不改变外部行为的前提下改进现有代码成为可能。
Numerous mainstream software engineering projects have employed use cases successfully to specify an application's external behavior. 许多主流软件工程项目已经成功地使用用例来指定应用程序的外部特征。
A series of small steps, each of which changes the program's internal structure without changing its external behavior. 重构是一系列的小部骤,每一步只修改程序的内部结构,但是不改变它的外部行为。
The conventional definition and typing of severe heat stroke are frequently based on its external behavior, not on its pathogenesis and essential characteristics. 传统对于重症中暑的定义与分型更多基于中暑的外在表现,而对发病机制和本质特征的反映不明显。
In this paper, the characteristics of economy system are discussed, and the function of information and information flow in economic action. Further discussions on how information regulate the internal and external behavior of economy system are made. 作者还分析了信息和信息流在经济活动中的作用,进一步讨论了信息如何调整经济系统的内部行为和外部行为。
Influence of External Behavior on Security Demand 浅析外部行为对证券需求的影响
Based on some surveys of questionnaire, cases observation and visit, this article analyzes and discusses the forms of internal experience and external behavior about ethnic recognition, and makes further discussion and reflection on characters about development of ethnic recognition. 本研究主要通过在少数民族地区的问卷调查、个案观察和访谈,来分析民族意识的内在体验形式和外在表现形式,并进一步探讨思考了民族意识发展的特征。
Enterprise culture is viewed as a kind of idea and model of management, which is defined as staff's idea, values and external behavior. 企业文化作为一种企业管理思想和模式,其内涵被简要地概括为企业每个员工的观念、价值取向和行为的外在表现。
So I researched the external behavior and the internal behavior between the students and the teachers during the teaching course. 因此,笔者对教学过程中师生互动的外显行为和内隐表现进行了研究。
Internal system that is through informal and formal norms of the external system, the prosecution of those who spotted the external behavior of the restraint mechanism. 通过非正式的内在制度即行为规范与正式的外在制度,对检举者的检举行为产生了外在的约束机制。
The internal and external behavior modes are both effective approaches of dealing with uncertain environment. 内、外两种模式均是企业应对外部环境不确定性的有效途径。
Realistic view of power politics from the perspective of power, the essence of the relationship between the states and used to guide foreign policy and external behavior. 现实主义权力政治观从权力角度出发,分析国家间关系的实质,并以此来指导对外政策和对外行为。
The specialty identity of college students is a dynamic process, including cognitive understanding, emotional acceptance and recognition, positive inherent behavior tendency and external behavior. 高校学生专业认同是高校学生对所学专业产生的认知上的了解、情感上的接受和认可,并伴随积极的内在行为倾向和外在行为效果的动态过程。
The previous seniors have researched the Monitoring System of Fatigue Driving separately based on one of three different aspects: the drivers 'physiological signal, the drivers' external behavior and the parameters of vehicle. There are some limitations due to a single signal acquisition. 学长们从驾驶员的生理信号、驾驶员的外部行为以及车辆参数的一个方面进行疲劳驾驶监测系统的研究,由于采集信号单一,造成了一定的局限性。
I have analyzed the behavior of non-self-determination role and behavior generation theory and the constituted mechanism in the internal behavior and external behavior of self-determination role behavioral. 论文分析了非自主角色行为的动作和行为的生成原理;自主角色行为的内部行为和外部行为构成机理。
After carefully, analyze the behavioral characteristics of IIS Webpage Trojan, we divide the behavioral characteristics into two parts: external behavior characteristics and internal characteristics. 在通过对ⅡS网页木马的行为特征仔细分析后,将网页木马的行为特征分为两个组成部分:外部行为特征和内部行为特征。
Teachers 'teaching will make students' internal psychological mechanism to happen and we can infer the change of the internal psychological by that the change in mechanism of external behavior of the students, and this is the starting point of layout design in the teaching material content. 教师教学将使学生的内部心理机制发生变化,我们可以通过学生的外部行为来推测学生内部心理机制的变化,这也是教材内容编排设计的出发点。
Leadership behavior of teachers is the psychological process of psychological qualities shown by the external behavior, a teacher with the spirit of domination intrinsic motivation of the leadership of meaningful activities. 教师的领导行为是其心理素质的心理过程所表现出来的外在行为,是教师精神支配的,具有内在动机的,有意义的领导活动。
These five areas include both the inner psychological expectations of teachers, but also reflect the expectations of the external behavior of teachers, the teachers expect the formation of an organic system. 这五个方面既包括了教师的内在心理期望,又体现教师的外在期望行为,形成了教师期望的有机系统。
This paper focuses on the behavior of soft violence in the external behavior, which takes the lead in the related studies in our country. 本文将外部行为中的软暴力行为作为研究的重点,此项研究在全国尚具有首创性。
Religious norm not only regulates human external behavior, but their spiritual world. 宗教规范不仅调整人的外在行为,也调整人的内在精神。
While the common law countries think corporate external behavior of the implementation is based on the trust relationship between the formation of the agency relationship, to rely on agents of realization of the company. 而英美法系国家认为公司法人对外行为的实现是基于信托关系形成的代理关系,依靠代理人实现公司的意思表示。
Learning results that students take after studying is not external behavior changes, but the change of ability and the tendency of the internal change, which also called the change of cognitive structure. 学生接受教学之后的学习成果不是外部的行为变化,而是内部的能力和倾向的变化即认知结构的变化。
DTC process the control 、 test information from the TM. Different test packets inject into the subnet of communication to observing its external behavior and calculate the corresponding performance index. DTC处理来自TM的控制和测试信息,通过向通信子网注入不同的测试数据包,观测其外部行为及做相应的性能指标计算等。
Learning is based on the experience of individual caused by the relatively long-lasting psychological structure or external behavior changes. 学习是个体在经验的基础上引起的相对持久的心理结构或外显行为的变化。
That is, in judicial practice, through the external behavior characteristics of human behavior study, the use of certain legal rules of logic, combined with practical experience in handling cases in Justice on the subjective can be presumed to have the purpose of illegal possession. 即在司法实践中,通过对行为人外部行为特征的考察,运用一定的法律逻辑规则,结合实际办案经验,在司法认定上就可以推定其主观上具有非法占有目的。
Interest is the most of fundamental elements that affect the external behavior of the various countries in the international relations and national interests play a role in international relations is the most lasting influence of the biggest factors. 利益关系是国际关系中影响各个国家对外行为的最根本要素,而国家利益则是在国家关系中发挥作用最持久、影响力最大的因素。
By distinguishing and analyzing the behavior of the evil forces, this paper divides the evil forces in the judicial practice into two categories: internal behavior and external behavior. 通过对黑恶势力的行为进行区分和剖析,将司法实践中的黑恶势力行为分为内部行为、外部行为两大类。
It links external behavior to internal mental state such as belief desire and intention, explains and predicts external behavior. 心理理论能力促使人们将外在的行为与内部的心理状态如信念愿望意图等联系起来,由内部心理状态来解释和预测行为。
Financial security and the relationship between local government, this article from the market and the elimination of external methods that can take appropriate measures to eliminate the external behavior of local governments. 针对金融安全与地方政府之间的这种关系,本文借鉴市场外部性消除方法,指出可以采取适当对策消除地方政府行为外部性。